Hoover SmartWash Upright Deep Carpet Cleaner Washer Scrubber & Shampooer Vacuum
$99.29 ( In Stock ) ( left ) ( out of stock )
Life is messy. That doesn't mean, however, that your home needs to stay that way. With the Hoover Upright SmartWash Deep Carpet Cleaner Vacuum, you can defeat dirt, dust, and pet messes all at once. This home carpet and rug washer cleans and dries with ease. Just push the machine forward to shampoo, and in reverse to dry. As you're effortlessly sailing across those dirty carpets and leaving a path of cleanliness behind you, the Auto Mix function stirs and disperses cleaning fluid for even and deep washing. After your carpets and upholstery are clean, the Auto Dry selection eliminates moisture, then dries your carpet. Got messy pets? We all do. Not to worry: the FlexForce brush deep- cleans and eliminates thick filth, dust, and pet fur. Cut a clean streak through your dirty day with effort, ease, and the Hoover SmartWash Upright Vacuum.
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